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Research / event reports

Country-based assessments regarding the consequences of the COVID 19 crises on agri-value chains and market systems, conducted by VCB-N

Posted by Tuấn Đàm - December 21, 2020

The COVID 19 crisis has severely disrupted agricultural value chains and markets and has a significant impact on the economic performance of the agricultural sector. Indirectly the COVID crisis also has a broader impact on the agricultural sector in terms of its contribution to for example income and labour generation or food security. In order to effectively respond to the crisis in efforts to mitigate negative impacts and contribute to economic recovery, it is necessary to know the scope of the disruption, its direct and indirect consequences and potential areas / anchor points for interventions. For development projects engaging with the agricultural sector, like many IFAD financed projects, such assessments could be starting point in reformulating intervention strategies that effectively respond to the changed context. For the above reasons the VCB-N proposes to conduct country-based assessments of the consequences of the COVID 19 crises in India, Bangladesh, China, Indonesia, Vietnam and Laos.

The overall objective of assessment is to provide IFAD and other development actors and projects with relevant data and analysis on the impact of the COVID crises on the economic and social performance of the selected agricultural value chains  in India, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Vietnam and Laos and formulate recommendations for short and mid-term level responses to mitigate negative impacts and contribute to recovery efforts.

Country-based Centre’s of Excellence, being VCB-N members, who conducted six assessments in five countries including Bangladesh, Laos, Myanmar, India and Vietnam covering analysis of 16 different agricultural value chains. The assessment reports covers with findings with regards to the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the selected value chains, analysis on the effects on different stakeholder groups including their livelihoods, mitigation strategies and reported needs for support enabling recovery efforts. Recommendations are also formulated for designing more resilient and future proof value chains in the post-COVID era. Kindly refer to the detailed information of the assessments as follows.


  • Full report on consequences of the COVID 19 crises on agricultural value chains and market systems in Bangladesh, click HERE
  • PPT, click HERE


  • Full report on consequences of the COVID 19 crises on value chains of elephant foot yam in Kanpelet, click HERE
  • Full report on consequences of the COVID 19 crises on value chains of durian in Kawkareik and Thantaungyi Townships, click HERE
  • PPT, click HERE


  • Full report on consequences of the COVID 19 crises on agricultural value chains and market systems in India: A study of Paddy and Barbatti (Cow Pea) in Jharkhand Tribal Empowerment and Livelihoods Project (JTELP) Area, click HERE; PPT for this report, click HERE
  • Full report on the impact of COVID-19 crises on the maize and tamarind value chain in Gajapati district, Odisha, India, click HERE; PPT for this report, click HERE


  • Full report on consequences of the COVID 19 crises on value chains of poultry and vegetable in Laos, click HERE
  • PPT, click HERE


  • Full report on impact of COVID-19 on value chains of cattle, ginger, black pig and banana in Cao Bang and Bac Kan provinces, Vietnam, click HERE
  • PPT, click HERE


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