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About VCB-N


A Regional Value Chain Capacity Building Network (VCB-N) providing professional advisory services and capacity building on Value Chain and Market System Development (VC&MSD) in the Asia and Pacific Region (APR).

Our network had been initiated by an IFAD-funded project “Regional training network for scaling up pro-poor value chain programmes” in recognition of IFAD’s growing portfolio of projects with the mandate for value chain development in the Asia-Pacific Region. This is under the context that there are significant gaps and variability in the capacities/competencies of implementing partners to effectively develop, execute and scale inclusive and poverty-reducing market systems.

The network is drawing on experiences and expertise of Centres of Excellence (CoEs) from six countries including Bangladesh, China, India, Indonesia, Laos and Vietnam that specialize in professional training and capacity development on VC&MSD.


Poor rural households in the Asia and Pacific capitalize on market opportunities and move out of poverty.


The VCB-N contributes to supporting projects and key stakeholders to efficiently implement effective value chain and market systems initiatives, with sustainable and large scale results on poverty reduction.


The VCB-N offers tailor-made capacity building programs and advisory services including development of training modules, hand-holding and accompaniment support, documentation through case studies and value-chain studies and analysis leading to positively influencing policies. The Business Model Canvas is applied by the network as the guiding methodology to conduct these services.


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