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The second AGM of VCB-N

Posted by Admin - November 12, 2018

Entering into the most crucial phase where initiatives shall be taken to move the Network from being totally ‘project’ dependent to a self-sustaining and independent ‘network’, AGM 2018 aims to review the progress of the previous year and to discuss and take decisions for the future development of the Network.

The specific objectives of the meeting are to:

  • Seek final endorsement of the VCB-N Business Plan and the Charter by members and signing of Membership Agreements;
  • Establish the Network’s management structure (including election for vacant positions in the Steering Committee and VCB Coordination Unit) and definition and endorsement of operational mechanisms with clear roles and responsibilities;
  • Formulate and endorse a pathway that guides the transition from ‘Project’ to ‘self-sustaining/governing Network’ including the specific roles of the VCB-N Coordination Unit for each year until the project ends; and
  • Review project/network activities progress in 2018, lessons learned, issues, challenges and opportunities; and activity planning for 2019.

During the second Annual General Meeting of the VCB-N[1], some milestones in the maturing process of the network were celebrated. 11 members of the VCB-N signed a membership agreement formally accepting the newly minted VCB-N Charter and Business Plan and committing to comply with the financial and in-kind contributions contained in the Charter. This step is, besides confirming the genuine commitment of members to the VCB-N, significant in terms of the transition from a project-funded to an independent and self-sustaining network. New SC was also determined.

A short meeting[2] within the new SC was quickly organized after the AGM for further discussion about the new Chairman and urgent steps of VCB-N. As a result, the transition plan from the Project to the Network was drafted. Follow-up activities relating the network’s legal registration and establishment, membership were discussed and determined. The former chair of the VCB-N Dr. Tabrez Nasar, representing the Institute of Livelihood Research and Training (ILRT) India, passed the chairmanship to the new VCB-N chair Mr. Rubaiyath Sarwar representing Innovision Consulting, Bangladesh. All members thanked the out-going chair for his leadership and guidance in the early years of the VCB-N and welcomed Mr. Sarwar as the new chair. The new chair committed to have a more intensive communication within the SC, expecting monthly SC discussion beside a yearly face-to-face SC meeting.

With the formalized commitment of existing members, the interest of new aspirant members and the enthusiasm, entrepreneurship and visionary spirit of the new chair, we can expect to hear much more from the VCB-N in the near future.

The sense of team belonging and shared future



[1] For the AGM report: please click here

[2] For the SC minute: please click here



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