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VCB-N Webinar 3: The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on agricultural value chains – What we can do to mitigate the impact on service delivery to different actors in the value chain

Posted by Admin - May 11, 2020

The Value Chain Capacity Building Network (VCB-N), is organizing a series of Webinars around the theme of “The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on agricultural value chains – What we can do to mitigate the impact!”

The objective of the series of Webinars is to provide an opportunity to assess the impact of the current crises on the ground in several countries, while allowing a moment of reflection and discussion. The third Webinar in this series is organized together with GFRAS and IFAD.

In the 3rd Webinar of the series we highlight the impact of the crises on service delivery to farmers and other value chain actors and on potential mechanisms to cope with restrictions and challenges posed to supplying service in times of the crisis.

The Webinar will explore the perspective of several service delivery channels (private, public, farmer organisations) and highlight coping mechanisms that are evolving in Asia and beyond in efforts to maintain certain levels of necessary service delivery to the sector.

Questions that will be answered are:

Q1: How does the COVID pandemic influenced the need for services (quantity, content) and what are the consequences of limited access to / availability of services to respond to those needs?

Q2: What digital / remote service delivery models are evolving as coping mechanism to current restrictions and what are early lessons in terms of success factors and/or challenges?

Q3: How do the interruptions in current service delivery models foster new collaboration models or partnerships for efficient service delivery for example through local farmer organisations as service hubs?

Q4: What has the crisis thought us about weaknesses in service delivery and required future changes, what success models are evolving globally?


15th of May 2020, 14.00 DHAKA time (GMT+6) (10.00 AM Amsterdam, 15.00 PM Hanoi, 16.00 PM Beijing).


  • Ms. Marie-Aude Even, Senior Regional Technical Specialist, Agronomy for Asia and the Pacific at IFAD will provide insights on the importance of bridging the last mile in extension efforts for rural development particularly during times of crisis
  • Dr Rasheed Sulaiman from the Agricultural Extension South Asia (AESA) member of GFRAS, highlighting the perspective of smallholder, challenges faced and coping mechanisms evolving at field level
  • Mr. Stuart Morris, Director East West Seeds Knowledge Transfer highlighting the perspective of the (private) supplier side in their efforts to maintain their service levels to clients.
  • Mr. Phouthasinh Phimmachanh, secretary to the Lao Farmers Network – LFN and member to the Asian Farmers Association – AFA, providing the perspective of farmers and farmer organisations as clients and receivers of services as well as providers of advisory services to member.
  • Mr. Carl Larsen, Executive Secretary GFRAS will bring in the global perspective on rural advisory services and a bird view on evolving coping mechanisms that are successfully responding to the challenges put up during the COVID 19 pandemic.

Refer to all biographies HERE


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