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The second Steering Committee of VCB-N

Posted by Admin - July 20, 2018

The second SC meeting of the Value Chain Capacity Building Network took place from 27th to 29th March 2018 in Vientiane, Laos. It aimed to discuss the emerging issues of the network and most importantly to discuss and finalize the business plan and the charter. As these are the essential elements of the network, their finalization requires inputs and consensus of all members and related stakeholders. Thus, the Meeting was organized as a “SC Extended Group Meeting” where representatives of all CoEs were invited to participate and contribute.

The meeting was organized by the Project Coordination Unit (PCU) in collaboration with National University of Laos. It was attended by the 16 representatives of 12 CoEs members, representatives of Helvetas and Hivos as well as the regional portfolio manager of IFAD. The meeting had also the honour to welcome the CD of Helvetas Laos who shared the experience of HELVETAS Laos on Value Chain development activities.

Throughout the meeting, the participants were invited to participate in discussions and making decision on the important issues of the network especially those that can ensure the sustainability of the network such as the business plan, the charter, service quality assurance, and membership. The CoE members also discussed other critical aspects related to future existence of the Network namely: next curriculum development and ToT trainings; knowledge sharing and communication platforms and marketing tools. Besides, the members were provided the information about the main competencies and expertise of the network as well as the procedures in activity planning and implementation.

The main agreements the network could reach after three productive days were:

  • Topics for the two TOT trainings in 2018 and the tentative timeline;
  • Task forces of business plan and charter will finalize these documents based on the comments and feedbacks of the participants. They are expected to be completed by the end of April 2018.
  • Three new task forces have been established to outline the idea of the network’s quality management, VCB-N’s blog, and VCB-N’s regional event in 2018.

The meeting marked an important move in the transition from “project’s product” to “sustainable network”, that requires higher commitment and engagement from all members.

For the meeting report, please click here

Some moments from the 2nd SC meeting:



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