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EDGE Consulting Ltd.

Who we are?

EDGE Consulting Limited is an independent research, consulting and advisory organization based in Dhaka, Bangladesh. We primarily work with local and international NGOs, development agencies to provide project implementation, applied research, training and capacity development services. EDGE also provides advisory and management consulting services to private sector partners as well. Our core team specializes in the market systems approach for development, also referred to as making markets work for the poor (M4P), and we offer our services in both technical and management sides for this approach. EDGE is also a recognized Centre of Excellence in the Value Chain Capacity Building Network and is also an active member of Market Development Forum, Bangladesh.

At EDGE, we believe in persistently working toward continuous improvement, and stretching our potential to cater to addressing clients’ needs in the most effective and efficient manner.

Our Mission

To enable the poor in emerging markets, improve their quality of life through delivering innovative, market based solutions, adaptive and sustainable solutions.

Our Core Values

We believe that your success is our success, thus we uphold the highest of professional standards in our services and strive to ensure that our client’s performance increases through key insights, improved capacities and innovative approaches.

Our Partners

We consider our clients as partners, and over the years EDGE has partnered with DAI, ACDI-VOCA, Save The Children, Care, Swisscontact, ILO, UNIDO, IDE, Practical Action, Word Fish, SNV and so forth funded by USAID, DFID, SDC, SIDA, DANIDA etc.

What we can offer

EDGE provides the following services both locally and internationally

  • Advisory services

EDGE provides advisory services in designing projects and developing project strategies.

  • Management consulting services

EDGE works to bridge gaps between the management approaches and its actual implementation plans.

  • Training & capacity building

EDGE specializes in capacity building training, workshops, and seminars focusing on value chain development, market systems development, business development, and SME development training.

  • Applied research

EDGE conducts custom research for clients, to find out actual market dynamics, work with BIG data and provide analytics and develop business plans.

  • Project implementation

EDGE works closely with private and public sector partners for implementing market development projects through promoting inclusive growth.


“Your success is our success”, so we ensure we have the best people working for you to deliver grounded insights and feasible pathways to success. As an organization is only as good as its people are EDGE is run by a board comprising of members who bring experience, expertise, innovation and systems thinking.

A short description of key personnel whose path came across establishing the common dream

“EDGE Consulting Limited.”

Khairul Islam, CEO and Chairman, EDGE Consulting Limited.

In his childhood, Khairul dreamed of becoming a mechanic! He is a mechanic now but rather than fixing machinery, he has dedicated his career of more than 14 years to help fix the inequality of society through advocating inclusive growth. Khairul’s key expertise lies on market system development. He has implemented a good number of projects as well as worked as a consultant for many organizations such as IFAD, ILO, Swisscontact, CNFA amongst others to help design and support programs to address market related constraints and bring in systemic change. He has extensive experience in training and capacity building of human resources in the arena of market system development, value chain development, enterprise development, project management and implementation. His country experience includes Bangladesh, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran, Yemen, South Sudan and Nigeria.

Fahad Ifaz, Director, Business Development, EDGE Consulting Limited.

A systems thinker, an entrepreneur with a heart for Development and Innovation. Fahad has more than 7 years of professional experience, in designing, managing and implementation of market systems development (M4P), private sector development (PSD) and value chain programs. His expertise includes innovation in the context of market based development, project design and implementation and complex adaptive systems.  He loves traveling and has traveled and worked in Bangladesh, Myanmar, India, Turkey, UK, Scotland, Thailand, South Korea and Indonesia.

Tashfiq Ahsan, Director, Research and Training, EDGE Consulting Limited.

Markets may not be perfect, but with correct incentives, win-win deals are always just a nudge away has been Tashfiq’s takeaway from working in market systems development for seven years now. He has worked extensively in Bangladesh with private sector actors in the agriculture sector to bring about changes in business and marketing models, thereby improving the lives of poor people and ensuring business for the companies. His work took him to the remotest of areas in Bangladesh and to countries like Vietnam, Thailand and Cambodia.

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 House 47, Flat BC1, Road 23, Block B, Banani, Dhaka 1213, Bangladesh.



Website: http://www.edge.com.bd/

Contact person: Tashfiq Ahsan- Adviser, EDGE Consulting Limited

Skype: tashfiqahsan

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