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Launching workshop of the Regional Training Network for Scaling up Pro-poor Value chains

Posted by Admin - July 19, 2018

Hanoi, 17 October 2016 – the Launching Workshop of Regional Value Chain Capacity Building Network (VCB-N) for Scaling-up Pro-poor value chains is organized today in the framework of the project “Regional Training Network for Scaling-up of Pro-poor value chains” funded by International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and implemented by HELVETAS and Hivos. The Project aims to establish a network of regional and national training provision units in Asia and the Pacific to support IFAD’s executing partners and other development partners in scaling up pro-poor value chain programmes. The launching workshop is taking place from 1 7th – 20th October 2016.

As a part of a regional initiative funded by IFAD, the regional VCB-N will focus on providing technical expertise and capacity building to the target groups by drawing on a pool of Centers of Excellence that are well-positioned to support IFAD’s executing partners in developing and scaling up value chain programs as well as to provide evidence for multiple policy dialogues.

After an open call for Expression of Interest for membership in June 2016, a number of institutions coming from seven project countries including Vietnam, Laos, Indonesia, Myanmar, China, Bangladesh and India had submitted their applications. More than 14 training provision organizations among the applicants had been selected and invited to attend the Launching Workshop.

The aim of this 4-day workshop were:

  • to provide the participants with better understanding about the overall concept and vision of the project
  • to facilitate discussions among the participants on how the proposed network can best help its members to achieve the shared objectives reflected in the call for expression of interest, drawing on an operationally self-sustaining coalition of training institutes;
  • to define the administrative foundations for the network (network’s mission, by-laws, and creation of a Board of Directors, Secretariat and VCB-N Capital Fund);
  • to initiate a preliminary Operational Plan for the first year of network’s establishment.

Speaking at the event, Mr. Tawfiq El-Zabri, Portfolio Manager of IFAD, emphasized that “there is a need from Governments to build up capacity of their staff to effectively implement and scale up projects with the mandate for VC&MSD. This project with Regional VCB-N is to response to the Government’s need”


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