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Training of Trainers on Inclusive and Sustainable Enterprise Development

Posted by Admin - May 21, 2019

The Training of Trainers (TOT) on Inclusive and Sustainable Enterprise Development took place in Jakarta, Indonesia from 13th to 16th May 2019 with the participation of 17 trainees, representing the Center of Excellences of VCB-Network from Bangladesh, China, India, Indonesia, Laos and Vietnam. The training was facilitated by Marnix van Holland – an expert from HIVOS and co-organized by HELVETAS Vietnam and HIVOS Indonesia.

The training is part of the capacity building program for VCB-N members, organized in the framework of ‘Regional training network for Scaling up of Pro-poor Value chains Program’, funded by IFAD and implemented by HELVETAS-HIVOS. While the first TOT courses were focusing on skills and technical knowledge on Value Chain and Market System Development (VC&MSD), this TOT provided the participants with a comprehensive set of hands-on tools and methodologies to design a contextualized training program on Inclusive Sustainable Enterprise Development. The Business Model Canvas was the central element of the training program and considered as one of the effective tools for designing a sustainable business plan. The trainees are expected to gain the knowledge and skills, necessary to independently render similar trainings to their potential clients.

During the training, the participants also discussed and shared their common understanding about inclusiveness and sustainability of a business. A business called inclusive and sustainable when it generates profit while benefiting the low-income communities. In other words, inclusive business is all about including the poor in the business progression be it as producers, entrepreneurs or consumers.

The training has created a peer – learning and sharing environment, contributing to an increasing mutual understanding among the VCB-N members. To support the trainees in conducting roll-out trainings in the future, localization of the training curriculum and all related materials is to be implemented soon as the immediate follow-up step.

Action during the training

Certification award after an intensive learning


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