Which IT innovations will change the future of agriculture ? Get to know the top-notch innovations in the agricultural sector in Asia. The Finalists of the ASIA AGRI-TECH CHALLANGE 2020 briefly present themselves to you through the pitches below.

Category I: IT innovation in support of VC supply-demand arrangements/marketing.

Beehive Data Technology, Taiwan

Magasool, India

GenFlow AI, India

Agro-DigitalPH, Philippines

Category II: IT innovation in support of rural advisory services.

Innovation by FarmERP
Village Link, Mayanmar

Greenvator, Mayanmar

4S2i OMR, Portugal, Thailand, Mozambique

Vriddhi, India

NilePoint, Sri Lanka

Category III: IT innovation in support of acess to finance.

Aeloi, Nepal

Naya Yeeva, Pakistan

Credible Impact assessment, India

Asia Agri-Tech Challange - Credible Price Risk Management.

Voting Results for video pitches from 17 to 19 March 2021 on the website of Asia AgriTEch CHallange 2020.

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