The Annual Network Meeting of the Value Chain Capacity Building Network for Scaling up of Pro-poor Value Chain
The VCB-N took the next exciting steps in its path to sustainability – the VCB-N Swiss registration documents were duly signed by the Steering Committee (SC) members and a new VCB-N Coordinator was appointed and introduced to the members while they were all together attending the third Annual General Meeting 2019 (5th-6th December 2019 in Bangkok). The AGM also discussed the pathway that guides the transition from ‘Project’ to ‘self-sustaining/governing Network’ including income generating activities such as regional Training Program and VCB-N International Symposium. Strengthening the Network with new members was also one of the important topics of the meeting.
With a large part of the membership present (11 of the 13 members), some new positions in the Steering Committee were appointed and approved by the quorum, namely Mr. Liu Yonggong (China Agricultural University) as Co-Chair, Ms. Somchay Soulitham (EDC Lao) as the new SC member replacing Dr. Silithorne (National University of Laos). Two internal auditors were appointed to the Network, also a requirement of the Swiss registration process, Mr. Imran Sadruddin (from Innovision Consulting) and Mr. Elivas Simatupang (Cimahi Municipality). The SC proceeded to sign the Swiss registration papers, in the presence of a notary. With the registration, the Network is official and a number of existing new initiatives can fully take off.
The newly appointed VCB-N coordinator Ms. Jose Vahl introduced herself and mentioned that she will work closely with the members to add value to their membership and to bring new members to the Network.
The different VCB-N members presented the activities they conducted, together with IFAD projects or for IFAD offices, in their respective countries. Partnerships in some countries, between the VCB-N member and IFAD seem to take off, while in other countries the relationships need more fostering. However, compared to previous years, progress has been made.
Considerable time was spent on brainstorming the Networks proposed activities in 2020. An exciting new year ahead, in which we plan to hold an International Symposium, recruit new members from different countries and regularly offer Regional Training products, to IFAD staff in the region as well as to the wider Asia Pacific community of value chain and market systems practitioners.
The VCB-N will go full steam ahead in 2020.
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