Along with the capacity building activities supporting the out- and up-scaling of the Value Chain & Market System Development in the region, the Value-chain Capacity Building Network also implement policy dialogue and advocacy to improve the enabling environment for the implementation and up-scaling of VC initiatives.
A Call for Expression of Interest was sent out by PCU to all CoEs on 5th July, calling for proposals on action research on policy opportunities and constraints/bottlenecks for implementation and out- and up-scaling of VC initiatives in their respective countries. Priority has been given to the topics on policy issues that affect the implementation of IFAD-funded projects, being implemented in the targeted countries. In each targeted country, at least one qualified proposal will be selected.
The analytical work will form a key input to the national policy fora where investment opportunities and the enabling framework affecting the development and upgrading of strategic value chains can be discussed among stakeholders and partners.
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