We apologize for the delay in announcing the results but the number of submissions and particularly the high quality of the received submissions required jury members to take additional time in order to come to founded judgements.
In many cases the decisions were close and tough to make, yet finally 15 contesters were selected, representing 9 different countries. Please find below the selected top-5 per category (in random order) that will proceed to the next round:
Category I: IT innovation in support of VC supply-demand arrangements / marketing. Assessed and ranked by Dr. Sunil Agrawal, Dr. Debapriya Dutta (both DoST, India), Dr. Rupa Mukerij (Helvetas Swiss Intercooperation), Dr. Rubaab Sood, Dr. Akhil Gupta (both FICCI, India).
· Genflow AI, India
· Agro-DigitalPH, Philippines
· FarmCorp, India
· Beehive Date Technology, Taiwan
· Farm ERP, India
Category II: IT innovation in support of rural advisory services. Assessed and ranked by Dr. Tiffany Tsui and Dominic Smith.
· Village Link, Myanmar
· Greenovator, Myanmar
· Nile Point Senz Agro, Sri Lanka
· S2i / OMR, Portugal
· Vriddhi, India
Category III: IT innovation in support of access to finance. Assessed and ranked by Mark Koppejan (Rabobank Foundation with support of the Rabobank Innovation team, Asia).
· Aeloi, Nepal
· Credible (submission 1 and 2), India
· Source Trace, India
· Naya Jeevan, Pakistan
For the next round of the Challenge, selecting 3 awardees per Category we ask the contesters to deliver a short video showcasing their innovation. As various jury members reported that judging proposals based upon the initial concept note was very challenging, we will in addition, request the you to submit a more detailed description of the innovation for which we will refer to the comments received from the jury.
All the selected participants as mentioned above will receive more detailed information regarding the next deliverable soon.
Deadline for the next and final deliverable will be March 01st, 2021.
In the meantime we will further develop and keep you informed regarding the precise programme and content of the Grand Final event of the Asia Agri-Tech Challenge that is planned for the 19th of March 2021.