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Research / event reports

COVID-19 Pandemic & Community Resilience: A Multi-Country Study

Posted by Admin - March 18, 2021

HELVETAS together with its European alliance members organizations (A2015) have conducted a COVID-19 pandemic Impact Assessment Study. The simultaneous surveys covered 23 countries over the period from October to November 2020.  This report was developed based on the basis of data collected by country teams using the same questionnaires from: a) Program beneficiaries of one or more of the eight member organisations working in that country; b) Either face to face or through telephone/zoom interviews.

Why the report may be useful for the readers when several hundreds already exist?

    • It was conducted when the pandemic was quite advanced and captures the full depth of the impacts. Other studies were done earlier and many have revised their estimates overtime (WB, etc.).
    • Like our work, its multi-sectoral ; so while it captures the direct impacts on food security, education, health and incomes ; it also covers secondary impacts of the pandemic on indebtedness, psychosocial status, domestic and community cohesion. Thus, it provides a more holistic understanding of the full impacts of the pandemic that people are dealing with.
    • As implementing organisations we are immediately acting on the findings. We have conducted a series of webinars with country teams to reflect on the finding per region/country and to discuss both programmatic and advocacy implications. Thus, while the study is global, covering 23 very diverse countries and settings, the actions it is triggering are specific to a location and context.
    • As a network we leveraged on our strengths to rapidly gather evidence from the field, share the information and advocate for meaningful actions at the global level. The task of adapting our programmes and doing more based on the findings lies ahead.

To read the summary of the study, please click HERE here for English version; HERE for French version; HERE for Spanish version

Please click HERE for full report.


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