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Good practice

Brewing happiness of partnership

Posted by Admin - July 30, 2019

As Arabica coffee should be grown from fresh seed of the recommended varieties, AFN is helping farmers to put up nurseries of coffee, to supplement mimicking the shade grown coffee technique, improving farmer livelihood. The case shows where farmers are trained to grow fresh seed of the recommended varieties and production of good seedlings to ensure a stable production and growth of the coffee tree. The coffee farmers entered into contract farming with the “Yuni coffee co. Ltd.,” company that was interested in buying organic coffee from the small holder producers. As a result of this partnership the company provided further training to farmers on various aspects of growing coffee, in order to obtain the desired quality of the organic coffee.

This case study was conducted by Ritik Joshi, the Agriculture for Nutrition (AFN) project in Laos and distributed in the 2nd MKLF organized by IFAD in Bangkok, Thailand from 10-12 July 2019. Download for details at AFN Coffee case









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