Research / event reports
Assessment on Agricultural Producing Practices Adapting with Climate Changes, Replication and Developing Training Materials of Good Agricultural Producing Practices Granted By CCA Fund (IFAD project) in 2016 – 2017
This report presents the result of the performance assessment of 12 agricultural farming practices adapting with climate change, which were supported by the CCA (the Climate Change Adaption co-sponsoring) Fund as a part of the Tra Vinh AMD (Adaption to climate change in the Mekong Delta) Project, belonged to IFAD. Central goal of the assessment is to evaluate on how do the CCA targeted households perform their farming practice as compared to the projected business plan before. The assessment of the 12 farming practices is conducted basing upon a survey of both CCA households and non-CCA (a control) households for each farming practice against a set of five dimensions, as follows: (i) Finance indicators, (ii) Income changes, (iii) Tolerance of climate change, (iv) Replication possibility, and (v) Influence on environment and social issues. Basing upon the assessment results, these 12 farming practices are descendingly ranked and suggested for a replication in the project area. Besides, there are a few of remarks highlighted for the replication of selected good farming practices, such as techniques of seeding, breeding, and farming; frequent attention on market changes, especially to output price; and follow-up risks caused from pest, diseases, and climate change.
Prepared by Huynh Truong HUY (Team leader), Nguyen Phu SON, and colleagues (CTTs_CoE Vietnam)
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