Research / event reports
A Value chain analysis of agricultural small holders in Southern Shan state
The Myanmar Institute for Integrated Development, MIID, in partnership with the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development, ICIMOD, is implementing the Himalica Pilot Project in Southern Shan.
Five villages situated South of Heho village tract and belonging to Nyaung Shwe Township and Kalaw Township encompass the target area of the pilot project development. Farming is the main economic activity, based on rain-fed agriculture on sloping land where deforestation has occurred and there is not environmental protection to control soil erosion. The Himalica pilot project aims to support the five communities in implementing livelihoods opportunities activities, sustainable management of the natural resources and pro-poor value chains actions of mountain products or services that can contribute to mitigate and adapt to socio-economic and climate changes. This study is conducted applying the value chain analysis approach with an aim to provide the necessary specific and contextualized information and analysis to implement sustainable actions on two potential value chains while contemplating the fragile environmental context and assuring that the result of the study is in line with the project aim of protecting land and water resources. All the steps of conducting the value chain analysis is presented clearly in the report which can be a good source for practitioners who want a reference on how to conduct the analysis.
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