Inclusive and Resilient Smallholder Agricultural Transformation in the Mekong Cluster
From 4th to 6th July 2018, IFAD will organise the first Mekong Hub Knowledge and Learning Market (MKLF) in Da Nang, Vietnam. The theme of the first MKLF is “Inclusive and Resilient Smallholder Agricultural Transformation in the Mekong Cluster”.
This first MKLF intends to capture the knowledge from 17 ongoing IFAD loan projects as well as from several IFAD assisted grant projects in Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Philippines and Vietnam. The MKLF is a knowledge sharing and learning event that draws lessons and innovations from IFAD supported projects, generate policy issues for action, and converge several partners in development including the public and private sector to contribute to the agricultural and rural transformation in the cluster.
The event will feature knowledge products, good practices and innovations from ongoing IFAD assisted loan and grant projects, photo exhibit and field learning visit. Detail information can be found in MKLF Concept Note.
This MKLF will be attended by around 100 participants from IFAD loan and grant projects, government agencies/ ministries, non-government organizations and private sector representatives from Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Philippines and Vietnam. Helvetas as an NGO partner and Value-chain capacity building Network (VCB network) as an IFAD projects are invited to participate to MKLF and share their relevant cases as well as the network’s training and advisory services in their learning booth.
The PCU is providing opportunity to all members in the region who have case studies to present or intend to discuss business opportunity with IFAD implementing partners at the meeting and will cover the participation cost for one member per CoE.
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