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Want to be a member?


The Value Chain Capacity Building Network (VCB-N), is the biggest regional Network on value chain and market system development in the Asia-Pacific Region, providing professional advisory services and capacity building support to a variety of clients.

The COVID19 pandemic has shown us that continuous learning, working together and supporting each other is more relevant than ever.

Membership of the VCB-N provides you with plenty of opportunity for growth in terms of knowledge, network, operational scope and business! Membership will ease access to knowledge and information, enhance your visibility and reputation and increase your network, client base thus organizational positioning and resilience.

For more information about the VCB-N please visit our website and follow the following links for specific information regarding:

  • Brief about us, please click here
  • The Network’s Charter, please click here
  • Membership Application Guideline, please click here


Application for membership to the VCB-N is open to all agencies (public agencies, private companies, civil society organizations/NGOs, farmer organizations, universities, research institutes) and individual consultants that have a mandate for service delivery in the field of VCD/MSD and that commit to the charter of the VCB-N including financial and in-kind contributions. The VCB-N Charter and the VCB-N Business Plan are accessible through the VCB-N website (vcbnetwork.org). Organizations or individuals wishing to become a member can fill and submit an application form to the VCB-N Secretariat. The application form is attached in Appendix 1 or can be downloaded from the same VCB-N website (https://vcbnetwork.org/). The VCB-N focus area is Asia and the Pacific.

Interested parties can choose between two (2) options: becoming an aspirant member first or applying for full membership. The different rights and benefits for both membership forms are stipulated below.

Aspirant memberships are only granted once for a limited period of 6 months only. In case none of the parties pro-actively ends the Aspirant membership after the 6 months period, the aspirant member will automatically become a full member (with all full member rights and duties).

Applications for aspirant or full membership are to be submitted to the Secretariat and reviewed by the VCB-N Steering Committee (SC) where decisions for approval of new memberships will be made. Upon receiving a membership application, additional information about VCB-N will be provided to applicants. A due diligence check, including references about the applicant will be conducted as part of the application and intake procedure. In case mutual expectations of the both parties have met, a Membership Agreement will be signed.

After approval by the VCB-N SC, membership is formalized by signing the VCB-N Membership Agreement and activated upon the payment of the VCB-N Membership fee (6 months fee for aspirant members or annual fee in case of full membership).


You can find the membership application form here 

Thank you for filling it in and send it back to the Secretariat via email address: vcbn.info@gmail.com

We look forward to collaborating with you.


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